MyFlyDream Mini Crossbow AAT

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€ 199,39

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Mini Crossbow AAT is an automatic antenna tracker. The antenna tracker automatically rotates following the drone. It is thus used in combination with high-gain directional antennas (and receivers) that have narrow directional characteristics. Thanks to the antenna tracker, the directional antenna always points in the right direction and uses its potential to the maximum. The Mini Crossbow AAT is precisely machined from aluminium. A thread is located on the bottom for easy installation on a tripod. The antenna tracker can pan the antenna around +-180° (no continuous 360° is possible, rotation will occur) and tilt up and down at 0-90°. The video transmitter can be powered by the servo connector that is conveniently placed next to the pan servo. The servo connector can be also used for analog video. The antenna tracker is adjustable by two buttons and a monochromatic display. There are two connectors, for connecting the Mini Crossbow AAT. There is a UART for connecting Mavlink telemetry, through which information about the position of the tracked drone is transmitted. Optionally, it is possible to connect a custom GPS module or even a compass to the tracker antenna. A CAN bus is used to connect other peripherals.

You can find more information in English manual.


  • Input voltage: ~12-16V (3-4S)
  • Power connector: XT30
  • Consumption: <10W
  • Maximum rotation speed: 400°/s
  • Maximum tilt speed: 120°/s
  • Tilt angle: +-180°
  • Tilt angle: 0-90°
  • Maximum tilt torque: 10kg/cm
  • Input protocol: Mavlink V1/V2, MFD VBI
  • Interface: UART, CAN
  • Weight: 470g


  • 1x Antenna tracker
  • 1x XT30-XT60 adapter
  • 2x Connection board (extboard)
  • 1x USB to TTL converter
  • 1x Screw set