DarwinFPV CineApe25

Auf Lager
€ 32,69

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DarwinFPV CineApe25 is an affordable frame for building a 2.5" Cinewhoop. This is suitable for filming cyclists, runners or taking indoor shots. The 2,5" cinewhoop category is suitable for carrying lighter HD cameras like Runcam Thumb or Naked GoPro.

CineApe25 impresses with its simple construction. The motors and flight controller are held by a 2.5mm thick main carbon plate. The propellers are protected by a propeller guard. The video transmitter is then typically mounted on the lower carbon part. The plastic propguards can be easily removed with 7 screws. The frame can accommodate stacks and video transmitters with 20x20/25.5x25.5mm hole spacing and motors with both 9 and 12mm M2 mounting holes. The frame is designed for nano size cameras.


  • Diagonal distance of motors: 112mm
  • Thickness of top plate: 2.5mm
  • Propeller size: 2.5"
  • Size: 160x160x43mm
  • Weight: 67g
  • Camera size: 14mm (Nano)
  • Mounting holes for stack: 20x20/25.5x25.5mm M2
  • Mounting holes for vtx: 20x20/25.5x25.5mm M2
  • Mounting holes for motors: 9/12mm M2


  • 1x Frame
  • 2x Lipo strap
  • 1x Battery pad
  • 1x 3D print kit